The Brand

Créateur français de luminaires connectés et sonores, Jaune Studio imagine des lampes créatives par le design, innovantes par la richesse d’usage qu’elles proposent.

Nous cherchons à travers nos créations une harmonie entre le design, la lumière et la musique. Nous célébrons les savoir-faire, la couleur, le sens du détail, l’intemporalité des courbes.

Nos objets s’adressent aux bâtisseurs de lieux de vie et d’expériences, aux passionnés de musique, de beaux objets ou encore d’innovation. À celles et ceux qui recherchent bien-être et confort dans les objets du quotidien sans compromettre l’esthétique du décor.

Jeune marque, fabricant et éditeur, nous associons nos savoir-faire technologiques à la sensibilité et l’expertise de designers, architectes et artisans français.

Paris - Marseille

Jaune Studio est un mariage. Celui du design et de la technologie, de la lumière et de la musique, mais aussi de deux villes.
Paris, cœur mouvant de l’activité et cœur technique, et Marseille, berceau de son développement créatif et atelier de production.

Design and Manufacturing 

In surrounding ourselves with talented designers, we explore timeless curves with twists that make a difference.

The manufacturing of our lamps is entirely controlled and carried out in France: from design to electronics and assembly.

We are committed to working with sustainable materials and to innovating in a reasoned way: all our parts are replaceable and our lamps evolve over time. Common sense and good taste.

Product Design

From the designer's first pencil strokes to the end product, our objects are born from a clever mix of mechanical, electronic and acoustic engineering that we master in-house.

Our workshop is a laboratory of creation and design, bringing to life these products rich in invisible technology. 

The acoustician

Designed in collaboration with an inspired acoustician, each lamp is designed and tuned to sound just right and amaze its audience. Florent Gatin is a graduate engineer from INSA, expert and passionate about industrial design and acoustics. He was trained by Bang & Olufsen before working as a consultant for various HiFi brands, and then creating his own. Florent exploits the volume of air sealed in our tubes like a resonance box for our bespoke speakers, driven by digital amplification.

Musical inspirations

Discover inspirational playlists curated by our team.


Move to today's and past gems, always under the sign of groove

Wake up like AURELIE SAADA

Aurélie Saada, member of the group Brigitte, has selected 7 tracks that have animated our jukebox alarm clock during the week.

Dolce farniente

Italian colors, timeless sweetness. Some iconic tunes, passionate or melancholic.

Awake Somewhere, by Mehdi Az

Awakening by Mehdi AZ. A peaceful musical journey
We collaborate with passionate and creative artists to design the perfect sound and light experience for everyday life.
A gentle wake up with sound and light, offering each morning a musical discovery with Spotify, or a nature and cultural soundtrack recorded all around the world by Colin Hunter.
Discover inspirational curated playlists. Available on Spotify, Deezer and via our lamps.


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16 rue Sainte Foy - 75002 Paris
5 rue Chantecler - 13007 Marseille